REGE's Disabled Children's Project - India

This is one of our projects that supports disabled children and their families in Northern India.
By identifying early signs of disability in young children, our team can reduce and even remove the effects of the disability through speech and physiotherapy, the provision of special educational support, and advice and guidance to the family. We also work to raise general awareness for villagers regarding preventative measures and general child health.
The REGE Children’s Project gives disabled children in rural northern India access to education. Here is how you can help too:
Early Intervention Project
You can support a disabled child from just £6 a month.
That’s just 20p a day... or the cost of an apple.
Donors receive yearly updates on the work of REGE’s Disabled Children’s Project.
You too can get involved and help support disabled village children. REGE’s Disabled Children’s Project’s work relies on voluntary donations, both of time, money, skills and advice.
There are a number of ways to support our work.
The REGE Children’s Project gives disabled children in rural northern India access to education.
We have a numbver of different projects from Early Intervention to Vocational Training.